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Floptok Wiki
Floptok Wiki

There are many parties within Floptropica which the citizens vote for in a general election every 1-2 years, the last one was in 2023 where Deborah Ali-Williams competed against Pooja. There are 400 seats to be claimed by the representatives of the constituencies and cities of Floptropica. Recently, the Independence Party have been the most successful in gaining the most support and votes from the public. The top 5 below the leading party formed a coalition in 2023 called the Centrist Union.


Colour Logo Party Leader Political Position Seats
Independence Party Colour
Independence Party Logo
Independence Party Deborah Ali-Williams Moderate Liberalism 163
Poosay Party Colour
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Poosay Party CupcakKe Moderate Liberalism 32
XiJia Party Colour
XiJia Logo
XiJia Party Jiafei Liberalism 21
Nicki Unionist Party Colour
Nicki Party Logo
Nicki Unionist Party Nicki Minaj Nickian Independence, Liberalism 16
Nationalist Party Colour
Nationalist Party Logo
Nationalist Party Noseporque111 Anti Bully Conservatism 15
Summeria Indepedence Colour
Summerian Party
Summeria Indepedence (Summeria True Independence) Donna Summer Centrism 11
Cvmberty Party Colour
Cvmberty Party Wendy Williams Liberal Conservatism 7
Floptropican Green Party Colour
Floptropican Green Party Kim Yang In Eco-Liberalism 5
Chinass Party Colour
Chinass Party Teacher Molly and Teacher Manna Populism, Classical Liberalism 4
Khøre Union Colour
Khøre Union (Khørea Unito) Lø‘e Kitzākh Conservatism 4
Potaxie Party Colour
Potaxie Party Raini Rodriguez Potaxie Liberalism 3
Tribal Union Colour
Tribal Union Siemes Kieme Floptropican Native Socialism 3
Floptropican Anarchistic Council Colour
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Floptropican Anarchistic Council Uyển Nguyễn Femeno-Anarchism 2
Brat Party Colour
Brat Party Logo
Brat Party Charli XCX Libertarianism 2
Drag Party Colour
Drag Party RuPaul Queer Libertarianism 2
Independents Colour
Independents Britta Fiylta, Kat Jepetay Political Satire 2
Grenade Union Colour
Grenade Union Ariana Grande Femeno-Libertarianism 2
New Floptropica Party Colour
New Floptropica Party Pooja Conservatism 2
Mantu Independence Party Colour
Mantu Free Party (formally, Mantu Independence Party) Mathilda Liberalism 1
Floptropican Cvmunist Party Colour
Floptropican Cvmmunist Party Papi Cvm Cvmmunism 1
Trish Imperial Party Colour
Trish Imperial Party Trisha Paytas Liberal Imperialism 1
MacDoesIt Party Colour
Mac Logo
MacDoesIt Party Machiazelli Kahey Gay Agendarism 1
DaBoyz National Party Colour
DaBoyz National Party Andrew Tate Facism 1